Meet the Exec

Otto Oldbridge - President

Otto is a second year PPE student. He looks forward to welcoming you all to the society and ensuring you have a great experience.

Amos Kernaghan - Vice President

Amos is an enthusiast who has been participating for nearly 4 years in MUN since 6th form. This year he wants to inovate on previous generations to produce a fun and engaging society.

Jamie Gatcha - Treasurer

Jamie is a second year MMORSE student who has a strong personality and looks forward to making both the society and WARMUN the best they can possibly be.

Cyrene Mokrani - Training Officer

Cyrene is a second year politics,ecenomics and international studies student that speaks 4 separate languages and wants to Organise very fun and interesting weekly training sessions to allow everyone to perfect their MUNing skills.

Samira Faria - Conference Manager

Samira Faria is a third year PAIS student who wants to motivate delegates to attend more conferences and will do her best to manage delegations as smoothly as possible so everyone has a good time.

Luke Hynes - Publicity Officer

Luke is a second year History student and sports fan who would like to promote the society more and grow its following on social media and attract more members as well as increasing attendance at events such as weekly training, academic debates, and most importantly WarMUN.

Orian Nagberi - Social Officer

Orian is a second year PPE student who wants people to be able to socialise no matter their experience level in MUN.

Sam - Social Officer

sam is a second year ppe student that loves MUN

Haadi - Academic Officer

Haadi is a second year history student with a quick mind and even quicker speach that wants to improve the academic reopour of the society.