
One of our main priorities as the Warwick United Nations society is to allow our delegates to represent Warwick at conferences throughout the UK university and international MUN circuits. Our delegates have all enjoyed the conferences we’ve participated in and have achieved excellent results and have formed meaningful connections and friendships across the circuit. Aside from dealing with conferences, we also manage logistical issues that come with conferences such as transport and accommodation to ensure an enjoyable conference experience. To complement the conferences experience, we also hold regular internal conference workshops and training sessions to make sure that our delegates get the most out of the conference experience for all delegates, regardless of experience level. We also participate in WarMUN, our annual society-run conference held right here at the University of Warwick.

However, due to the uncertain nature of the recent global pandemic, our priority has to be to ensure our delegates’ safety. To that end, we are exploring different conference options, such as participating in virtual online conferences. Rest assured, we are constantly striving to bring delegates the most enjoyable conferences experience possible. Please keep following our website and social media for the most updated conferences opportunities available to our members.